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The classical form of EFT uses drumming with the fingers on special acupressure points (tapping), combined with voicing our negative self-talk. The combination is a little like the mythical miracle elixir that cures most ills. Only it is a real method that releases most emotional and many physical conditions. Newcomers to EFT sometimes feel uncomfortable about the idea of tapping looking strange, the thought of voicing negative self-talk rather than try to ignore it, and of course, there is that question of "What if someone saw me tapping and thought I'm going mad?"
Yes, the tapping, being a relatively new method, seems strange at first. It can also initially seem wrong if we are tapping away negative talk. Hence the step by step introduction. But You will soon ease into it and find it a great tool. I remember when the personal computer was invented, and that was before laptops, tablets, and smart-phones. Now, what would we do without computers and our mobile phone?!
Now, mobile phones have an interesting story. I remember when they first came out in the 1980s. They were huge brick sized things. We (showing my age here) used to laugh at the early adopters, thinking they were showing off with their new gadgets. Now, nobody laughs. We need our mobile phones. They keep us in touch with our friends, work, and loved ones. They keep us safe, as we can call emergency services with them or call for roadside assistance if our car breaks down. And they give us train and bus details when we are travelling by public transport. When we take a walk, our mobile phone provides us with a map.
In the same way, the early adopters of EFT were seen as strange and EFT, even at the time of writing this article, is seen as comical or silly by many people. And yet the same people often come back to using EFT and wonder how they ever coped without it!
Put it this way, is it sillier for someone to tap for a few sessions or to always be seen with nails bitten down to the quick? Is it sillier to tap for period pain or debilitating backache or to suffer in pain or take lots of pain killers instead? After all, pills are rarely without side-effects. And pain, well, I'd tap instead any day.