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Our life involves many big dreams and things that we all want to accomplish and experience within this one lifetime. However, most of these dreams go about being forgotten eventually, because we do not have time, or we are busy in other important things.
This is very true. People usually have so much to do within one life that they forget to prioritize. A million unexpected activities will derail your dreams. However, you do have the choice to put your focus on one single thing if you want to. Bill gates knew that in order to meet his dreams, he had to take a different route altogether. To do so, he did not marry and put a lot of other dreams behind him to focus on the personal computer, which was his greatest area of achievement.
Train your mind
Bill gates had many dreams. He had so many because he read a lot. That is what you need to do too. You need to read and acquire as much as you can so you can better evaluate your options. Clearly see through everything that you have read and understood. Decide the right path from among these, the one that has a good reward for the effort that you can put in.
It is human nature to underestimate what could happen in the next ten years and to overestimate what could happen in the next two years. This is something that leads people to give up far too quickly if they don't see the results before them. Bill gates tells us to work through the hard times and the results will start to compound within the coming times. Bill gates' untiring efforts on Windows and its research and development had no results in the immediate two years. However, they can be seen in the shape of a giant franchise today.
Be original
The people, who compare their failures and successes with other people are stupid. They are actually underestimating their potential and insulting themselves. Bill Gates has always believed in being original.