Thursday, March 15, 2018

Locational Astrology--Is Your City Compatible With Your Birth Chart

Locational Astrology--Is Your City Compatible With Your Birth Chart

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Recently I was asked if I matched people's birthcharts up to the founding dates of the towns and states Im recommending to them.

If your town is Gemini and you are Gemini, will you feel right at home? If your town is Aquarius and you are Gemini, will you feel cheerily compatible? If your town in Capricorn and you are Gemini, will you feel restricted?

Valid questions!

There are locational astrologers who take into consideration the founding date (charter date) of a city, state, country, etc. Comparing the planetary configurations (signs and degrees in a horoscope) of a certain governmental body with the client's natal chart was at one time a somewhat common practice. There are books written on just this subject.

I've worked with that curious process and find it sort of interesting but only sort of.

My gut sense is: unless a client is going to be employed by the city or state government, a composite and/or synastry chart (taking two birth charts and mathematically combining and/or comparing them) with the founding/charter date of that governmental entity may not be much of a valid indicator of place-compatibility.

If we go so far as to compare your birth chart (assuming you're a non-politically employed individual) to your city or state's founding date, we might as well do charts for:

the date the builders broke ground on your house.

the date the first piece of your car or truck was assembled.

the date your personal computer was built.

the dates the original (such as Native American) people moved onto the land where you live and the date the last of those people's descendants were run off the land (or worse) by the folks (or ancestors of the folks) who eventually chartered the CURRENT government. Wouldn't those events (their "vibrations") also be around in the "fields" as much as the founding date of a town?

Right now, if youre a Gemini (May 26, 1958) living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and have a professional a career in St. Paul youre living in a Taurus state (May 11, 1958), in a Pisces city (February 28, 1852), commuting in your perhaps Aquarius (January 24, 2003) Saturn sedan, to a Scorpio city (November 1, 1849), and perhaps working for a Virgo boss (September 13, 1952), and coming home on a snowy Capricorn day (January 7) to your Libra home (October 12, 2000), across a Leo bridge (July 29, 1948), after a daily stop at an Aries deli (April 8, 1986) run by a Cancer woman (July 10, 1940) and her Sagittarius husband (December 1, 1939)..Whew!!!

The point is: everything and everyone has a birth date and moment of entry in our world.

Before I upset another sincere locational astrologer who has found validity in the founding dates of cities and states and who includes it in their sessions, let me be as clear as possible:

What works for one may not work for another in this case, me.

And to be totally candid, sometimes I do mention a founding date of a location to a client. I mention it as a point of interest (perhaps as a curious synchronicity).

But I have never used founding dates of municipalities or governments as a basis to recommend a place for a client to move, any more than Id advise someone to change their lifes location based on the sketchy information in an astro-cartography line-map or a soulless computer-generated relocation report from a website run by a non-astrologer.

What works for me and for my clients is the fully relocated natal chart (RelNat): the birth chart (based on exact birth time) moved to the new place and analyzed fully This means looking at EVERYTHING: all the signs, houses, cusps, interactions, transits, progressions, and more.

Location chart analysis, to be effective, takes special consideration of the fourth house cusp (the house which most elegantly indicates the experience of "home"), the planetary and zodiacal sign contents of the fourth house, the major aspects to those planets, etc.

Other important factors are the current planetary transits to the natal and the relocated charts, the progressed charts in all locations, the solar returns, etc.

The work of a relocation astrologer is complex, to say the least.

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