Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/08/7a/79087ac15c18fb73c85aeaf0ae89044a.jpg
Physical: In the next year, exactly what are you going to do to become healthier and in better shape?
Exactly what do you want to weigh?
What is the date that you will be your ideal weight?
What are you willing to do to reach that weight?
What type of foods are you now going to start to eat to nurture your body?
What foods are you going to eliminate from your diet?
What support system could you use?
What physical exercise will you start?
What sports do you want to learn or improve in?
How often and how long will you exercise?
Where will you exercise?
Who could you form a support system with to keep yourself motivated to exercise?
Family: What can you do to create a closer, more harmonious relationship with your spouse, children, parents, in-laws, and relatives?
What can you do to be a better role model?
What family activities could you start to improve your relationships?
How can you reinforce the positive in your relationships?
How can you express your love to your family better?
Career or Profession: What could you do to improve your level of enjoyment for your work?
How can you earn more money or get a promotion?
How can you keep a positive attitude?
What strategies can you use to continue your education and improve your life skills?
What professional groups could you join to improve your networking skills?
Are you really happy with this position? If not, where do you really want to be?
Mental or Self-Development: How can you improve yourself over the next year?
What type of self-improvement courses will you take?
How many non-fiction books are you going to read this year?
How many audio programs will you invest in this year?
What new skills and procedures will you learn this year?
What programs are you adding to your personal computer (your brain)?
What lectures are you planning to attend this year?
Financial: What will you do to improve your finances this year?
How much are you going to save this year?
How much are you saving for retirement?
How much are you budgeting for your education fund?
What type of investments do you plan to make this year?
How much do you plan on saving in five years? In ten years?
Community Support: What can you do this year to be active in your community?
What volunteer work are you planning for this year?
What civic office or committee could benefit from your time?
How much can you donate of your time and money to worthwhile projects?
Spirituality: How will you improve your spirituality this year?
What can you do daily to feel more in touch with yourself and your creator?
What are you doing to heal yourself emotionally?
Personal Appearance: How will you improve your appearance this year?
What are you going to do to look and feel your very best?
What areas of appearance need attention?
What clothes, hair, makeup, personal style need to be updated?
Free Time and Hobbies: How will you give yourself more free time?
How many times per week can you play?
When can you schedule play time for yourself and your family and friends?
Where do you want to go on vacation this year?
Stress Management: How can you reduce your negative stress load?
How can you relax and enjoy your life and your blessings?
How can you create an environment that supports you?
Creativity: What will you do to foster your creativity this year?
How can you use your creativity to improve the quality of your life?
How can you tap into your creativity to make more money and security in your future?
Personal Relationships: How will you improve your personal relationships this year?
What can you do that will strengthen your relationships with friends, neighbors, co-workers, and associates?
How can you release all blame, guilt, anger, and grudges towards other people?
How can you show appreciation to your friends more often?
Start Now
Spend one hour fantasizing about what you want your life to look like at the end of this year. Answer all the above questions and add some questions of your own. Write out your answers with as much detail as possible. Setting goals helps you produce specific, measurable, long-lasting changes in yourself. This simple act of getting started will do more for your success than nearly anything else possible. The only true limitation in life is our lack of belief in our own abilities.
This strategy for redefining your future will transform you from being a thinker with good intentions to a doer and achiever. Youll be more motivated, optimistic, and youll feel more in control of your life than ever before. Your point of power is always in the present. Focus your energies in the direction of your hearts desires.