Image source: https://gordoncluster.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/2013-09-18_1002.png
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Open up Dreamweaver and in your files and folders on the extreme right hand side of your Dreamweaver workstation click on the index.html page of your website.This page will open up showing the editable region called body.Erase the word body and then just click hard return on your computer keyboard.This will open up the body region for us to insert are images and text.
The menu bar that is relevant to text can be found in the second menu bar from the top of your Dreamweaver workstation eg
By clicking on text you will see all the various options that are available for you to manipulate your text, and these options will also be available to you in the properties inspector box below.All that I can say is that your ability to use these options to manipulate your text will be dependent on your knowledge of how to use a word processor because it functions in exactly the same way ( bold text icon, italic text icon, align text from right to left, align text from left to right, align text in the centre, indent text left, indent text right, ordered list text , unordered list text and so on. ).
Images you insert by using the top menu bar
, and so you click on insert, drop down menu appears, and click on images.This will allow you to navigate around all your files and folders on your computer and pick the appropriate image or picture.
However, a problem does arise when you try to align text and images close together, because what will happen is that the text will follow the image around or vice versa, as you try to align them around your page, which is, of course, no use to anybody.In order to separate the text from the image, so as you can align them naturally close together, you have to insert a table.The table icon can be found by navigating to the second menu bar from the top of your Dreamweaver workstation
, and clicking on common,and this opens up an icons panel.Just pass your mouse over each icon until you find the tables icon.The width of the table should be appropriate in terms of what your trying to achieve and just make it 1 row and 2 columns.The second column enables you to align, lets say for example the picture, anywhere within this column space without it effecting the positioning of your text.
Practise makes perfect and thats all that you can really do here, but suffice to say that you do need to know how to position items exactly where you want them.
In my next article I will show you how to put a form into your contact us page.
signing out for now Brochure Website Design,Ireland.