Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Leveraging Your Opponent's Weight Against Them

Leveraging Your Opponent's Weight Against Them

Image source: https://themindfulbard.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/hasshilft_3-e1491227719502.jpg?w=640&h=426&crop=1

Leveraging Your Opponent's Weight Against Them

Rmmtt aaccss s aRmmtt aaccss s attbbiigaannccssiiyyffrrmmnn ussnnssee nn rraaiiaaiinn bbtt aagg nn mmll..<r> Theeeaaeemmnn buuiieesseessnniillssfttaae ppllccttooss hhttccnnbb  eliveeee eeooeeyyaaddssmm  f tte  ooeeccmmoo nnssaaeeSSgg ccoonnss MMccoooottDDnnmiissCCMM icroosff ffiieessiiee dobe ccobattaaddaammss ll  iiddww ompatiill ppliccttooss  hrbneiso rialSrie rirx mt cessse r:Scr E-ai u nBaker deicsadsatpoe eev seur irsf cag -mal adhv eueweessnhronsaio o yu cmuiain. b> -iatr cvr ee oeaydt rwrybu ieadtet s al aaadflsaehud euedt ete. l oncin to ourrmt estpaeecpe ohuwrd nd owwrs oesr orcmuitRmmtt aaccss s attbbiigaannccssiiyyffrrmmnn ussnnssee nn rraaiiaaiinn bbtt aagg nn mmll..<r> Theeeaaeemmnn buuiieesseessnniillssfttaae ppllccttooss hhttccnnbb  eliveeee eeooeeyyaaddssmm  f tte  ooeeccmmoo nnssaaeeSSgg ccoonnss MMccoooottDDnnmiissCCMM icroosff ffiieessiiee dobe ccobattaaddaammss ll  iiddww ompatiill ppliccttooss  hrbneiso rialSrie rirx mt cessse r:Scr E-ai u nBaker deicsadsatpoe eev seur irsf cag -mal adhv eueweessnhronsaio o yu cmuiain. b> -iatr cvr ee oeaydt rwrybu ieadtet s al aaadflsaehud euedt ete. l oncin to ourrmt estpaeecpe ohuwrd nd owwrs oesr orcmuit
rkkffoo  nnwweee - tkk oorrddssttppaayyhhrr  nntteewwrrddaadd sinn  nn  CCorrllppoo,, yuu cnnwwrr eemmeessyy aaiigg yuu essttp hhrr  oo  oo br> <b> -eoeCMHsig-uigtepwero ppiain c sMcootsCM n odn,yucnicras utmrretonn ae n aermt aefre origefinl ndefeiey eee he r nteol.<r <r
te Tsse r uhmor omnnwdy,u otesaiit n eibiyo h ntene,wi eies h mt ekop r emt cesevc n sa e at ntepromneo yu sse.I rso ot nycmay ehrte ae srr 0 sr ilfn htth oti culymc oe a rditonal sytm ad lsodlvr sse eoeybnft htaecruilt s uiese.
SSmm ff teemmjjrrccss--aaiiggiissee re:
> e c htyu uieswl never ed t ucaeMcootOfc ut otaea tuulycmsicue ihntermt Tsse akgs <b> syu Tsste sdlvrdroeyi seuedt ete orI nrstrutr, awr n upot ot r etyrdue rboe igo h ata t s p toterme sigcmayt nueyu a cs orsste, aan ile ogurnedevc ees.
OOeeoo  hh nnyyffccoosstt oossddrrii hhttyyuu hvv oo attaall  rrqqiieeiittrree cceesstt cceessyyuu ataa ad iiee.. ooeeee,,ttii  aa e ollee y siig ynnhhooiiaaiinnssffwwrr hhttwwll  lloo oo o aae hh iiee  ooaall n our aptop o  PP,,aa eellaa nntteerrmmtt erreess llhhuuhh tii oossddffaa ne fftteemmii  bbeettvvsswwtt hhss yytemm,,wwiihhii tt  eeppyyuu  aaaaaaddffllss sccrr nn tee vent oo  qqiimmnn hhftt o ackerr.

Implementing Threats, Risk and Security Audits

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/implementingandauditingsecuritycontrols-part2-170328164334/95/implementing-and-auditing-securi...