An individual desiring to become aware of the computer usage of another person can now install and use software that will enable that individual to know how to monitor a computer to gain a clear view of the other system being monitored. It is simple to learn how to monitor a computer using new software technology.
An example of this type of monitoring situation could be a family member wishing to keep tabs on another family member or a boss wishing to keep tabs on the business being conducted on an employee's company computer during work hours or the after-hours-non-business-activity taking place!
Using new technology, it is possible to monitor someone's computer "invisibly" --that is, without being detected. If you wish to monitor the computer activities of another person, you first must be able to easily access your own remote PC to install the requisite monitoring software.
This installation must first be in place on your own machine before you can begin monitoring. The presence of this software will allow you to perform any desired monitoring activities unobtrusively using your own computer during the monitoring sessions.
Once the monitoring software has been completely installed, you can then gain a live view of the other user's computer screen while that other user is using it. The software will also allow you to browse the file system that is being used by that computer and user from anywhere you are, at anytime.
By using one of these up-to-date monitoring software systems, the user can automatically record such information as screen shots of the monitored computer's activity, chat and IM participation by the individual being monitored, sent and received emails, any social media/social networking visits such as to Facebook, a list of online searches performed, the use of programs in the course of a computer session and even the related keystrokes entered by the monitored individual.
Use of this innovative monitoring methodology also permits users to view chats, websites, keystrokes being made in any language being used, and also has the capacity to let you see through the use of screenshots. This cutting edge software can be remotely installed to your computer through the use of an email installation.
While not every type of monitoring software is completely and fully compatible with any firewall that the monitored computer has installed, including Windows Vista, Windows XP, or other firewalls which can be added on
Once you have learned how to monitor a computer and have put the monitoring software in place, the monitoring program being used can record the activities of the user being observed and then transmit the data to an online account which is set up in your name with the monitoring software. You are able to login to your account securely without being detected to view logs using your own password-protected login information. You can access a live control panel when using your secure online account for ease of use.